World Clock

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Back To You

post #330

Wow....I just compared the post in January-February 2008 with this year. A distinct decline is very clear. Hmmmm....what happened? I guess my passion to write is not as big as last year, remembering I had quite a lot free time lately. But again, after I thought about it, I'd been busying myself lately...trying Yoga class, futsal after office hour...etc.. and plus... I think laziness in writing had gotten the best of me as well...lolzzz's a bit recap of the last week in February 2009. Attended Ash Wednesday morning mass (I don't have to tell that it's on Wednesday, do I? :D). It was early in the morning, at 5.30 AM. It felt different. The sky was still dark when the mass started and it was bright when it ended. Went back home, ate breakfast then went to work.

Yoga class was the closing event for that day. My body was getting used to the poses the instructor told us to do, but it came with a toll. I woke up the next day with sore buttocks. I could feel that the muscles in that area were really stretched. Plus some muscles in both thighs and arms. But it felt good. Nothing much on Thursday and Friday, but today was sleeping-like-a-pig day.

I went to bed early last nite, slept for almost twelve hours and woke up feeling great. I couldn't remember when was the last time I slept that long. Then browsed the internet for a while, watched some interesting clips at Youtube then....slept again...lolzzz...woke up, took a bath, then attended afternoon mass.

Ok this is the main idea that inspire me to write this entry. It's about the pastor's sermon. He began his sermon with a story about a boy who asked his father, "Dad, who do we have to fasting in Lent?". His dad would like to answer: "Because it's one of the church rules.", but he knew that his son wouldn't be satisfied with such answer. So he took his son to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. Inside the fridge, there were a carrot, an egg, and a pack of coffee.

Then he asked his son to eat the carrot. His son tried to ate it, but it was still hard. Then the father took the egg, broke the shell and again, asked his son to eat the egg. His son refused because the egg smelled. After that, the father opened up the coffee pack, again asked his son to eat it. His son refused once again, said that the coffee powder smelled quite good, but still he couldn't eat the coffee powder.

The father took a bowl of water, poured it into a sauce pan and he started to boil the water. He cut the carrot and put it into the sauce pan. After the water is boiling, the father took the carrot and once again asked his son to eat it. This time his son ate the carrot since it's soft and eatable. Again the father did the same with the egg. He boiled some water with egg in a sauce pan. After the water was boiled, he asked his son to eat it and the son obliged. For the third time, the father boiled the water, put the coffee powder into a cup, then after the water was boiled, he poured down the boiling water into the cup. The coffee smelled so good and the scent of the coffee filled the kitchen.

That's what Lent was all about. Lent was like the boiling water that transformed each and everyone of us to be a better person. For those whose heart were cold and hard like a rock, the lent transformed those. It soften the heart to be more sensible. For those who were weak and indecisive, lent transform them to be stronger, more conclusive person. For those who hadn't shown their appeal, lent transform them to be more appealing person, just like a coffee scent which fill a room.

All these would only be happening if we really sincere and use this time of lent wisely. Are we going to turn our back to God, or turn to Him?

It's time (which already overdue actually) for comin' back to God, isn't it?

Bryan Adams - Back To You

I've been down - I've been beat
I've been so tired - that I could not speak
I've been so lost that I could not see
I wanted things that were out of reach
Then I found you and you helped me through
yeah you showed me what to do
And that's why I'm comin' back to you... yeah

Like a star that guides a ship across the ocean
That's how your love will take me home back to you
And if I wish upon that star - someday I'll be where you are
I know that day is coming soon - yeah, I'm coming back to you.

You've been alone, but ya did not show it
You've been in pain, but I did not know it
Let me do what I needed to - you were there when I needed you
Mighta let you down, mighta messed you round
but ya never changed your point of view
and that's why I'm comin' back to you... yeah

Like a star that guides a ship across the ocean
That's how your love will take me home back to you
And if I wish upon that star - someday I'll be where you are
I know that day is coming soon - yeah, I'm coming back to you.

Mighta let you down, mighta messed you round
but ya never changed your point of view
and that's why I'm comin' back to you... yeah

Like a star that guides a ship across the ocean
That's how your love will take me home back to you
And if I wish upon that star - someday I'll be where you are
And I know that day is coming soon - oooh, I'm coming back to you.

I'm coming back to you
I'm coming back to you
I'm coming back to you
That day is coming soon

I'm coming back to You.......



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