post #335
I was driving home one day. I went through Kemayoran - Sunter. When I entered Angkasa street, rain started to pour. I went on and passed through Kemayoran. The rain was getting harder there. Though Karen's wiper worked relentlessly, still the rain made my vision very limited. As an illustration, it was kinda like the picture below, a bit better though since I didn't drive at night.

Along the way I saw few motorcycle riders who also tried to go through the rain wearing raincoats. Some even didn't wear any and still trying to move on. Some stopped and waited for the rain to stop under a shelter or any kind of structure, just to avoid being totally soaked up. For me, the rain didn't really matter because I was safely sheltered inside a car. Just blurred my vision a lil bit.
Approaching Sunlake Hotel, the rain was getting lighter. It's just a drizzle. My vision was getting clearer. After I passed Sunlake Hotel, all the sudden the rain got heavier again. But I kept on going because I had a destination I wanted to reach, which was home.
Entering Yos Sudarso, the rain stopped. The sky was clear, and so was my vision. In short, I arrived at home in no time.
I journey back home is a lil bit similar with our journey in life...
Sometimes/most of the times we know where we want to go. We know our destination. For some, home represents eternal life in heaven. Well, I believe we all might have our own 'home' that we long to come to. But the journey to get there...not always as smooth as we would have wanted. Lots of obstacles come along the way, some can be cleared right away, some can force us to find another way. Just like the rain that was pouring down on my way home that day. For me who was driving a car, it didn't matter. But for those who were riding motorcycles, or bicycles, or even walking, the rain surely was quite an obstacle.
Don't we find often find some 'obstacles' in our lives? Just like the rain, the obstacles make us weary. They can blur our vision, making us unable to see clearly. Sometimes, they make us wondering, questioning ourselves...Will I make it through these? Can I reach my 'home'? In more extreme situations, they make us drifted away from our destination. They make us lost our way and worst, lost our hope and will to go on. Not to mention if we are walking by foot (compared to driving a car). Plus....if we're walking alone, therain obstacles will look more unbearable.
That's why we need something to help us get through the rain. A simple example, an umbrella. It helped in keeping us from the raindrops, or perhaps a raincoat. But it won't do much good when a thunderstorm strikes. It'd be better if we ride a motorcycle, at least we can get through the rain faster. Car would be the best compared to walk and ride a motorcycle since it keeps us dry.
Problem is, not all of us have a car. For us who has to walk, it's much much nicer if we have companion during the journey. Someone to share our ups and downs. Someone to lean on for a while when we're tired. In a broader perspective, this someone might come in many forms not just as in spouse. It may come in a form of best friend(s), or maybe just a person who share common destination. Someone we can share a cab with :D. The presence of this someone can help us get through rough times in our journey. They can be the one who remind us about our destination, to lift our spirit when we're down, vice versa. It's such a blessing to find someone who share same perception and destination. Together, the journey we take might seem lighter.
What about the people who walk alone, either by choice, or probably because no one else want to walk beside him/her since nobody share similar perception and destination? Well I think they gotta be strong and keep reminding themselves that the rain will stop eventually. They just gotta keep on moving.
Like the fluctuated intensity of the rain when I went home, it might get heavier, it might get lighter in the might get heavier again, so heavy that we might think we cannot make it through....but it'll stop and eventually we will reach our destination. Nobody said it was easy....but think about the destination we want to reach, isn't worth the fight?
For those who believe in God, we share a common faith that God will make everything beautiful in the end. If it's not's not the end, so...keep moving ;)
Mariah Carey - Through The Rain
When you get caught in the rain
With nowhere to run
When you’re distraught
And in pain without anyone
When we keep crying out
To be safe
But nobody comes
And you feel so far away
That you just can't find your way home
You can get there alone
It's okay
What you say is
I can make it through the rain
I can stand up once again
On my own and I know
That I’m strong enough to mend
And every time I feel afraid
I hold tighter to my faith
And I live one more day
And I make it through the rain
And if you keep falling down
Don’t you dare give in
You will arise safe and sound
So keep pressing on steadfastly
And you’ll find what you need to prevail
What you say is
And when the wind blows
As shadows grow close
Don’t be afraid
There’s nothing you can’t face
And should they tell you
You’ll never pull through
Don’t hesitate
Stand tall and say I
I can make it through the rain
And stand up once again
And I live one more day, and I
I can make it through the rain
Oh yes, you can
You’re gonna make it through the rain
I was driving home one day. I went through Kemayoran - Sunter. When I entered Angkasa street, rain started to pour. I went on and passed through Kemayoran. The rain was getting harder there. Though Karen's wiper worked relentlessly, still the rain made my vision very limited. As an illustration, it was kinda like the picture below, a bit better though since I didn't drive at night.

Along the way I saw few motorcycle riders who also tried to go through the rain wearing raincoats. Some even didn't wear any and still trying to move on. Some stopped and waited for the rain to stop under a shelter or any kind of structure, just to avoid being totally soaked up. For me, the rain didn't really matter because I was safely sheltered inside a car. Just blurred my vision a lil bit.
Approaching Sunlake Hotel, the rain was getting lighter. It's just a drizzle. My vision was getting clearer. After I passed Sunlake Hotel, all the sudden the rain got heavier again. But I kept on going because I had a destination I wanted to reach, which was home.
Entering Yos Sudarso, the rain stopped. The sky was clear, and so was my vision. In short, I arrived at home in no time.
I journey back home is a lil bit similar with our journey in life...
Sometimes/most of the times we know where we want to go. We know our destination. For some, home represents eternal life in heaven. Well, I believe we all might have our own 'home' that we long to come to. But the journey to get there...not always as smooth as we would have wanted. Lots of obstacles come along the way, some can be cleared right away, some can force us to find another way. Just like the rain that was pouring down on my way home that day. For me who was driving a car, it didn't matter. But for those who were riding motorcycles, or bicycles, or even walking, the rain surely was quite an obstacle.
Don't we find often find some 'obstacles' in our lives? Just like the rain, the obstacles make us weary. They can blur our vision, making us unable to see clearly. Sometimes, they make us wondering, questioning ourselves...Will I make it through these? Can I reach my 'home'? In more extreme situations, they make us drifted away from our destination. They make us lost our way and worst, lost our hope and will to go on. Not to mention if we are walking by foot (compared to driving a car). Plus....if we're walking alone, the
That's why we need something to help us get through the rain. A simple example, an umbrella. It helped in keeping us from the raindrops, or perhaps a raincoat. But it won't do much good when a thunderstorm strikes. It'd be better if we ride a motorcycle, at least we can get through the rain faster. Car would be the best compared to walk and ride a motorcycle since it keeps us dry.
Problem is, not all of us have a car. For us who has to walk, it's much much nicer if we have companion during the journey. Someone to share our ups and downs. Someone to lean on for a while when we're tired. In a broader perspective, this someone might come in many forms not just as in spouse. It may come in a form of best friend(s), or maybe just a person who share common destination. Someone we can share a cab with :D. The presence of this someone can help us get through rough times in our journey. They can be the one who remind us about our destination, to lift our spirit when we're down, vice versa. It's such a blessing to find someone who share same perception and destination. Together, the journey we take might seem lighter.
What about the people who walk alone, either by choice, or probably because no one else want to walk beside him/her since nobody share similar perception and destination? Well I think they gotta be strong and keep reminding themselves that the rain will stop eventually. They just gotta keep on moving.
Like the fluctuated intensity of the rain when I went home, it might get heavier, it might get lighter in the might get heavier again, so heavy that we might think we cannot make it through....but it'll stop and eventually we will reach our destination. Nobody said it was easy....but think about the destination we want to reach, isn't worth the fight?
For those who believe in God, we share a common faith that God will make everything beautiful in the end. If it's not's not the end, so...keep moving ;)
Mariah Carey - Through The Rain
When you get caught in the rain
With nowhere to run
When you’re distraught
And in pain without anyone
When we keep crying out
To be safe
But nobody comes
And you feel so far away
That you just can't find your way home
You can get there alone
It's okay
What you say is
I can make it through the rain
I can stand up once again
On my own and I know
That I’m strong enough to mend
And every time I feel afraid
I hold tighter to my faith
And I live one more day
And I make it through the rain
And if you keep falling down
Don’t you dare give in
You will arise safe and sound
So keep pressing on steadfastly
And you’ll find what you need to prevail
What you say is
And when the wind blows
As shadows grow close
Don’t be afraid
There’s nothing you can’t face
And should they tell you
You’ll never pull through
Don’t hesitate
Stand tall and say I
I can make it through the rain
And stand up once again
And I live one more day, and I
I can make it through the rain
Oh yes, you can
You’re gonna make it through the rain
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