World Clock

Thursday, January 28, 2010


post #394

I'd like to share today's sermon which I think is good for us to reflect on.

Today's bible reading was taken from John 2:1-12

In short, it's about the wedding in Cana, the one where Jesus made His first miracle, changing water into wine.

Then the pastor started his sermon. He talked about the wedding, which must had been an important event for the family. Then, it turned out that the wine was running out. It couldn't be good.But God gave a helping hand just when it was needed the most. What would have happened if the family really had run out of wine? The guests would have complained, the wedding wouldn't be smooth...okay,perhaps we'd's just a wedding...worst thing that might have happened was it became a lousy, unpopular's not like someone's dying..well...the pastor seemed to have more on his mind about this bible reading than just saving the wedding.

Father Yoyon (the pastor name was Sukaryono, we called him Romo Yoyon) continued. He talked about a teacher who had very tight budget. His monthly salary was minimum and based on his calculation, it'd only enough for him and his family for 20 days. No matter how he re-calculated and managed his salary, it'd only be enough for 20 days. But strange thing happened. He didn't know how, but he got through the month, and the following months. Somehow he managed to get through.

Father Yoyon continued more. We too, often worry about our lives. We want to pay the bills, pay the kids tuition, pay for daily needs, etc...these are important things in life. We need them. And sometimes we found that based on our calculation, it seemed that we couldn't afford it. But just like the teacher managed to get through, we somehow manged to get through as well. As for the teacher; where did he manage to survive the remaining 10 days?'s a miracle made by God.

Just like Jesus turned the water into wine at the wedding in Cana....God turned anything in our lives, change it into something that will ensure we live.

Because God is faithful. Because God is the bridegroom and we, the church, are His bride (referring to the first reading from Isaiah 62:1-5). Then Father Yoyon came to the ending of his sermon. He said, though God has always been faithful to us, human; we on the other hand often cheat on Him. We cheat by looking for other sources of power, we cheat in our behavior...and so on.

Father Yoyon ended his sermon by asking a question for us, the parish, to ponder.
This was what he said, "If you had a spouse or someone you really, deeply in love with;Someone that you give your everything. Then you find out that the person cheat on you, what would you feel?"

Imagine what God feels when we cheat on Him...

My own personal thought...God is faithful, we just have to have faith in Him. Talking about example, I like Kaka, a Brazilian soccer player whose life is far from gossip and scandal. Young people should look him up as a role model, rather than Cristiano Ronaldo.

I hope this note can be a reminder for us all. Honestly I had goosebumps when Father Yoyon said the line in italic above.



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