post #410
Work's been overwhelming more lite browsing during office hour...heck even no more more browsing after office hour. I was really drowned in work. Went home at almost midnite these last few days. All for the preparation of Go Live on 1st June.
Luckily...I had the long weekend to recharge. Some of my colleagues weren't as fortunate as they had to come to Bogor to have a briefing, which lasted for 8 couldn't be called briefing...8 hours is not brief :D
Anyway...lot of things happened lately...but the main reason I write this entry is because I just managed to watch Chuck again after..... a year and a half (I think)...the last episode that I watch was Christmas episode of 2008....and now...I got the the rest of season 2 and surprised me that I hadn't watched in such a long time. I used to get weekly supply from MS, but after she moved to KL, my supply was stopped.
Anyway...Yvonne was still pretty....Chuck was still season 3, there's a new addition to the team. To my surprise, it was Brandon Routh...the (fail, if I may say so) Superman in Superman Returns. And to make me even more excited, Kristin Kreuk appeared as well from episode 5. long has it been? Since the first time I laid my eyes on her in Smallville. It was 2001. Nine years have passed, yet she still looked dazzling. She's not a teenage girl anymore. I don't even really follow news about her since Smallville season.....5 (I think). The last movie of her that I watched was Chun Li (not so good).
Looking her in Chuck gave me that breeze....reminded me of the times when I was such a fan of her. It made me realize that I missed her. I missed her eyes, her smile, her voice, her laughter....I miss those univ days...days when I wouldn't miss Smallville episode....
I miss you, Kristin Laura Kreuk

Work's been overwhelming more lite browsing during office hour...heck even no more more browsing after office hour. I was really drowned in work. Went home at almost midnite these last few days. All for the preparation of Go Live on 1st June.
Luckily...I had the long weekend to recharge. Some of my colleagues weren't as fortunate as they had to come to Bogor to have a briefing, which lasted for 8 couldn't be called briefing...8 hours is not brief :D
Anyway...lot of things happened lately...but the main reason I write this entry is because I just managed to watch Chuck again after..... a year and a half (I think)...the last episode that I watch was Christmas episode of 2008....and now...I got the the rest of season 2 and surprised me that I hadn't watched in such a long time. I used to get weekly supply from MS, but after she moved to KL, my supply was stopped.
Anyway...Yvonne was still pretty....Chuck was still season 3, there's a new addition to the team. To my surprise, it was Brandon Routh...the (fail, if I may say so) Superman in Superman Returns. And to make me even more excited, Kristin Kreuk appeared as well from episode 5. long has it been? Since the first time I laid my eyes on her in Smallville. It was 2001. Nine years have passed, yet she still looked dazzling. She's not a teenage girl anymore. I don't even really follow news about her since Smallville season.....5 (I think). The last movie of her that I watched was Chun Li (not so good).
Looking her in Chuck gave me that breeze....reminded me of the times when I was such a fan of her. It made me realize that I missed her. I missed her eyes, her smile, her voice, her laughter....I miss those univ days...days when I wouldn't miss Smallville episode....
I miss you, Kristin Laura Kreuk
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