Once again I’m having this difficulty to write down what’s on my mind. I wanna write so many things but I find it hard to write them chronologically. Not to mention that I also have to use all my ability to write this in English…English is not my native language, so pardon me if there’re so many mistakes in this journal.
Okay let’s start, shall we? It's 4.32 PM in monday now. It’s been few hours pending. There’re many things that I have to do. Okay….where do we start…I guess I just write and see if I write it in correct order.
One thing that’s been bothering my mind these few last days is that Vicky Zhao was in Jakarta. She’s attending the grand opening of Sands International Executive Club, which is located at Mangga Dua Square 5th, 6th and 7th floor (if my memory serves me correctly). She’s there at June 11, 2005 from 7 PM – 12 AM. I wanted to go there but I wasn’t feeling well that day. Fyi, it was Saturday. I also had to cancel an appointment with my thesis partner. We were supposed to meet at Plaza Senayan to celebrate our success in thesis, since we haven’t really celebrated it. Damn…I really wanted to go there….but my body was against me. So good bye chance to meet…ehmm I meant see Zhao Wei.
Saturday was also a big day for my friend. She opened a boutique at Mangga Dua Square 2nd floor B118-119 (Indah, you should thank me coz I promote ur boutique all over the internet…lol). I also wasn’t able to go there for her boutique opening.
Maybe this is all because I went karaoke with my two friends at Friday night. The three of us went to Inul Vizta, a quite new karaoke place at Gadink. I arrived late, thanks to heavy traffic jam at Cempaka Putih traffic lights. We sang for about two hours, actually it was more than two hours since there were some errors with the computer and we got some extra time. Not like we usually did, at Friday we didn’t order beer coz the three of us were short in cash…After that we ate fried rice. Man, it was fun. I mean we have the bond. Maybe because we have known each other since we were kids. I’ve known them since I was at elementary school. I can say that we grew up together, not really together but we often spend time to hang out. That’s the thing that bonds us. I’m sure that the togetherness, the friendship is something that you can’t buy, no amount of money can measure up a true friendship.
So I spent the whole Saturday resting and relaxing at home. Not really relaxing coz there was some kind of problem with my computer. I couldn’t access my email. I guess my computer was infected by some kind of Trojan or spyware. I tried to remove whatever that is that infected my computer, but I still couldn’t access my email at yahoo, in general I couldn’t access all my accounts that require login validation, including friendster n WG. So I did what I know will fix the problem. I formatted the drive C and installed fresh copy of Windows XP Pro. I did it in just 1.5 hours, including installed all the software I needed like MS Office, Adobe, FireFox, etc. It was a new record. After that I went online and voila, the account worked fine. I got this Jessica Simpson video clip, These Boots Are Made For Walking. She looked slutty….ehm…sexy there..I guess she’s trying to get more attention to boost her music career, which hasn’t been too good. I’m complaining her new appearance, in fact I enjoy it..lol. But from all of her songs, there are only a few that I like such as “I Wanna Love You Forever”, Where You Are” (duet with her ‘now’ husband), and “I Think I’m In Love With You”. The other songs are just standard, nothing special. After that I watched Willard, standard movie. I thought it would be good, but the plot was flat and this Willard character was actually pathetic (IMHO)..the only good thing in the film was Laura Elena Harring, thanks to The Punisher for introducing her to me.
Sunday was another good day. Went to Jef’s to play Winning Eleven. Stopped by at Holland Bakery first to order black forest which would be delivered to my cousin. Eddy was already there, and to my surprise, Jef had already changed his cell phone. He now using O2 XDA II Mini. He said he bought it with cheap price, cheaper than when I bought my N6600. Damn, he’s so lucky. I tested it and I was impressed by the sound and the display. With 320x240 resolution, it was adequate to watch clips without sporting an eye strain. The drawback that I felt was the input method. Must use the pen/stylus. I found it quite stressing when I tried to type sms. But then if I have that phone, why bother typing sms, just call..in Indonesian.. jangan kaya orang susah…..hahahahahahaha.
After that I went back home n Irwan came to give the CDs that Garry burn in his visit to Singapore. But my computer was error again, this time it was disk read error. Damn…I took quick action and formatted it again, twice in two days I must format my computer. This time I did it in an hour and 15 minutes. After that I checked the CDs. Lots of clips n MP3s…Thanks Man! I sorted them and copied some of that I considered good. Nothing eventful.
Back to today, I went online at 4 PM something, tried to find any news about Vicky’s visit to Jakarta. I found an interesting article in a forum which said that the entrance ticket was 6M for a table (max 10 persons per table), VIP. It was quite cheap actually, compared to F4 concert ticket back in 2002. But the tickets were sold out, including the 3M per table. Damn, I didn’t know that she has so many fans beside me. It made sense why all the three numbers I tried to contact from Tuesday were always busy (After I knew she’s coming, I tried to get more info about this and called the numbers that given in the newspaper). But I got some pics of her that quite cheer me up. She’s very gorgeous in those pics. I’m gonna share it, but later.
Went online for a while at home, browsing www.gsmarena.com. Looked at K750, N6681, n then I spotted N6270. Slide up cell phone, it would be released in the 3Q of 2005 if I’m not mistaken. It was excellent. Like N7650, but much improved. It made me want to change my cell phone. But it must wait.
Later at night, I went home when it was raining quite hard. I like to see the rain drops. But I don’t like the after effect (flood). I guess I must go to bed now. It’s 12.15 AM, I must wake up early tomorrow and I think I start to write incoherently. I’m gonna upload this blog tomorrow. Good nite.
Bonus :

one other thing about Vicky is that she has this very cute voice..I love her voice..especially in these songs : Her voice is intoxicating.
Qing Shen Shen Yu Meng Meng
Qing Shen Shen Yu Meng Meng,
Duo Shao Lou Tai Yan Yu Zhong,
Ji De Dang Chu, Ni Nong Wo Nong,
Che Ru Liu Shui Ma Ru Long,
Jin Guan Kuang Feng Ping Di Qi,
Mei Ren Ru Yu Jian Ru Hong,
Qing Shen Shen Yu Meng Meng,
Shi Jie Zhi Zai Ni Yan Zhong,
Xiang Feng Bu Wan, Wei He Cong Cong,
Shan Shan Shui Shui Ji Wan Zhong,
Yi Qu Gao Ge Qian Heng Lei,
Qing Zai Hui Chang Dang Qi Zhong,
Qing Shen Shen Yu Meng Meng,
Tian Di Wu Jin Di Wu Qiong,
Gao Lou Wang Duan, Qing You Du Zhong,
Pan Guo Chun Xia He Qiu Dong,
Pan Lai Pan Qu Pan Bu Jin,
Tian Ya He Chu Shi Gui Hong.
Li Bie De Che Zhan
Dang ni jin jin wo zhe le wo de shou,
Zai san suo, zhe zhen zhong zhen zhong,
Dang ni shen shen kan zhe le wo de yan,
Zai san suo, zhe bie song bie song,
Dang ni zou shang li bie de che zhan,
Wo zhong yu bu ting de hu huan hu huan,
Yan kan ni de che yue zhou yue yuan,
Wo de xin yi pian ling luan ling luan,
Qian yan wan yu hai lai bu ji suo,
Wo de lei zhao yi fan lan fan lan,
Cong ci wo mi shang le na ge zhe zhen,
Duo xiao shi zai na'er chi chi de kan,
Li bie de yi mu zhong hui cong yan,
Ni ji hu ba shou er hui duan hui duan,
Ke shi lie che neng gou ba ni dai hui,
Wo zai zhe'r chi chi de pan
Ni shen zai na'er wo bu guan bu guan,
Qing wei wo bao zhong qian wan qian wan...
Bu You Zi Zhu
Bu gan gen ni de yan shen jie chu,
Jiu pa wo hui ai shang ni, bu you zi zhu,
Bu gan gen ni dan du xiang chu,
Jiu pa wo hui ai shang ni bu you zi zhu,
Bu gan gen ni zai xi yan xia san bu,
Jiu pa wo hui ai shang ni, bu you zi zhu,
Bu gan gen ni xin shang yun he shu,
Jiu pa wo hui ai shang ni, bu you zi zhu,
Dang wei feng zai chuang qian si su,
Wo xiang zhe ni, bu you zi zhu,
Dang yue ye piao zhe qing yan qing mu,
Wo xiang zhe ni, bu you zi zhu,
Dang wan zhong deng huan, gao ge re wu,
Wo xiang zhe ni, bu yo zi zhu,
Dang qu zhong ren san, wo zhen gu du,
Wo xiang zhe ni, bu you zi zhu,
Zhe cai zhi dao, wo zhao yi ai shang ni...
Bu you zi zhu, bu you zi zhu.
All lyrics were added at 9.48 AM, Thanks to this forum I found.