post #163
Finally, long weekend has arrived. This week has been very hectic and tiring. Got two new units to be developed on Monday morning, but at that time I was making Technical Design for a program that I just finished. So I had to postpone those units.....till today. Lots of work need to be done, little time to do them. But I may say that today was the Last Suffer(ing) least for this week. Time to recharge my emotional battery. It's a good thing that I have fully recharged my e-battery last Sunday with David, Agus, Bowo n Maria. It's been a while since we went karaoke together. As usual, David and me were the first who arrived at Happy Puppy. We sang few songs n then Agus came. Not so long after that Bowo came woth Maria. Just like so many times before, we sang for three hours. But we only ordered two pitchers of beer, since only David n me who drank it. After that we went to the mall, planning to watch a movie. But unfortunately David forgot to bring his side card, so we ended up eating at a new restaurant, Overrice if I'm not mistaken. But we're still hungry so we ate again at another restaurant.
How many years have it been since we knew each other? We've grown up. We talked about different things now, things we had never imagined we'd be talking about when we're still teenagers. David was still single. We talked about this one and it seemed we have similar reason for being single, though he always encouraged me to find a girl...settle down...if you want you can marry... (quoting Boyzone - Father n Son..lolzzz). Like I have written before, mind is very tricky. I can still remember a dialog in Smallville between Lex n Lionel...
Lex : You've tried so hard to convince the Kents that you're a good person, you're starting to believe your own lies.
Hmmmmm.....Have I convinced my self so hard that I reach a point that I believe that I don't need a girl? Is it because my faith in the institution called marriage begin to fade? Am I being too skeptical? Or have I been alone too long in this Fortress of Solitude that I unconsciously block all possibilities to have a relationship? There're some who have given me this warm fuzzy feelings.....but maybe I have this syndrom like Robbie William's song, Feel....'before I fall in love, I'm preparing to leave her'. If you ask me, "Do you want a girl?" I'd say yes. But if you ask me, "Do you need a girl?" I dunno.... There's not much that I can offer and it won't be fair to expect more in return from the girl.
Tal Bachman - She's So High
She's blood, flesh and bone
No tucks or silicone
She's touch, smell, sight, taste and sound
But somehow I can't believe
That anything should happen
I know where I belong
And nothing's gonna happen
Yeah, yeah
'Cause she's so high...
High above me, she's so lovely
She's so high...
Like Cleopatra, Joan of Arc, or Aphrodite
She's so high...
High above me
First class and fancy free
She's high society
She's got the best of everything
What could a guy like me
Ever really offer?
She's perfect as she can be
Why should I even bother?
(Repeat Chorus)
She comes to speak to me
I freeze immediately
'Cause what she says sounds so unreal
But somehow I can't believe
That anything should happen
I know where I belong
And nothing's gonna happen
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
(Repeat Chorus)
All of these are maybe this...maybe that....Why is it so complicated.....Can love be simple? But again....what is love ?
Reminds me of Jay Chou's song Jian Dan Ai (Simple Love)....One of my (very)favorite song...
Jian Dan Ai
Simple Love
曲: 周杰倫
Qu: Zhou Jie Lun
Music: Jay Chou
词: 徐若瑄
Ci: Xu Ruo Xuan
Lyrics: Vivian Hsu
shuo bu shang wei shen me
Couldn’t really say why
wo bian de hen zhu dong
I became very initiative-taking
若愛上一個人 / 什麼都會值得去做
re ai shang yi ge ren / shen me dou hui zhi de qu zuo
If you fall in love with someone, anything is worth doing
Pre Chorus
wo xiang da sheng shun bu
I want to announce loudly
dui ni yi yi bu she
That I can’t bear to be apart from you
lian ge bi ling ju dou cai dao wo xian zai de gan shao
Even my next door neighbors can guess my feelings right now
Chorus 1
河邊 / 的風 / 在吹著頭髮/ 飄動
he bian / de feng / zai chui zhe tou fa / piao dong
The breeze by the river, is blowing your hair, swaying
牽著 / 妳的/ 手一陣莫名/ 感動
qian zhe / ni de / shou yi zhen mo ming / gan dong
Holding your hand, a sense of unknowingly being touched
wo xiang dai ni hui wo de wai po jia
I want to take you to my grandma’s home
一起 / 看著日落 / 一直到我們都睡著
yi qi / kan zhe ri luo / yi zhi dao wo men dou shui jiao
Watching the sunset together until we fall asleep
Chorus 2
wo xiang jiu zhe yang qian zhe ni de shou bu fang kai
I want to just hold your hand like this and not let go
ai neng bu neng gou yung yuan dan chun mei you bei ai
Can love be forever innocent without sadness
我 想帶妳騎單車
wo, xiang dai ni qi dan che
I want to take you bike-riding
我 想和妳看棒球
wo, xiang he ni kan bang qiu
I want to watch baseball with you
想這樣沒擔憂 唱著歌 一直走
xiang zhe yang mei dan you chang zhe ge yi zhi zou
Want to be like this with no worries, singing as we walk along
wo xiang jiu zhe yang qian zhe ni de shou be fang kai
I want to just hold your hand like this and not let go
ai ke bu ke yi jian jian dan dan mei you shang hai
Can love be simple without pain
妳 靠著我的肩膀
ni, kao zhe wo de jian pang
You leaning on my shoulder
妳 在我胸口睡著
ni, zai wo xiong kou shui jiao
You sleeping on my chest
像這樣的生活 我愛妳 妳愛我
xiang zhe yang de sheng huo wo ai ni, ni ai wo
Like this kind of life, I love you, you love me
想 簡!簡!單!單! 愛
xiang! Jian! Jian! Dan! dan! Ai...
Want simple simple love!
想 簡!簡!單!單! 愛
xiang! Jian! Jian! Dan! dan! Ai...
Want simple simple love!
Repeat Pre-Chorus
Repeat Chorus 1
Repeat Chorus 2
Repeat Chorus 2
I wish it were that simple..... or am I being too rational? Ignoring my heart.......There's a song by Patty Smyth....
"..And its sad when you know its your heart you cant trust....
And its sad when you know its your heart they cant touch..."
Have I started to become untouchable....?
Patty Smyth - Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough
I dont wanna lose you,
I dont wanna use you
Just to have somebody by my side
And I dont wanna hate you
I dont wanna take you
But I dont wanna be the one to cry
That dont really matter to anyone, anymore
But like a fool I keep losing my place
And I keep seeing you walk through that door
But theres a danger in loving somebody too much
And its sad when you know its your heart you cant trust
Theres a reason why people dont stay where they are
Baby sometimes love just aint enough
Now I could never change you
I dont wanna blame you
Baby you dont have to take the fall
Yes I may have hurt you
But I did not desert you
Maybe I just wanna have it all
It makes a sound like thunder
It makes me feel like rain
And like a fool who will never see the truth
I keep thinking somethings gonna change
But theres a danger in loving somebody too much
And its sad when you know its your heart you cant trust
Theres a reason why people dont stay where they are
Baby sometimes love just aint enough
And theres no way home
When its late at night and youre all alone
Are there things that you wanted to say
Do you feel me beside you in your bed
There beside you where I used to lay
And theres a danger in loving somebody too much
And its sad when you know its your heart they cant touch.
Theres a reason why people dont stay who they are
Cause baby sometimes love just aint enough.
Baby sometimes love just aint enough. is never enough.....
My mind has really been a mess this week...but today, I'm having a moment of peace.... This Gregorian song is very soothing...their songs are very good...Well, I'm gonna enjoy this moment of peace.....relinquish this Last Suffer(ing).....on this Thursday evening....when Jesus had His Last Supper with His disciples.......
Gregorian - Moment of Peace
Mm Mm Mm Mm Mm
Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah
In moment of peace
Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah
Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah
Come now, come by our side,
Into a place where you can hide,
We are the sunshine,
Rest your Soul here,
And you'll find,
We are the energy,
We give the world to thee,
Hold up your heart now,
We will ease pain from your brow.
(Sarah Brightman)
When the world is in tatters,
And destruction is near,
You can come with us here.
When the people are strangers,
We will rest here and be,
In a moment of peace.
When the world is in tatters,
And destruction is near,
You can come with us here.
When the people are strangers,
We will rest here and be,
In a moment of peace.
Light up the dark below,
See through the stars,
Reach to the earth's flow
Drift into the joy of our hearts,
Unleash the energy,
Taste of the wine,
Drink as a Soul,
That knows now, power divine.
When the world is in tatters,
And destruction is near,
You can come with us here.
When the people are strangers,
We will rest here and be,
In a moment of peace.
When the world is in tatters,
And destruction is near,
You can come with us here.
When the people are strangers,
We will rest here and be,
In a moment of peace.
In a moment of peace.
hi, there. I'm from China. I google the song moment of peace, and was linked to your blog.There is something wrong with the lyrics, like this one "when the world is in tatters". well, I think it is "in a world without danger". And this one "that knows now, power divine", I am unable to tell if it is right. and the last one "reach to the earth's flow", I really don't have a clue what it means. I really like this song, and I am planning to tranlate it into Chinese. So if you know the questions above. Please tell me. thanks. Here's the site of my blog:
Sorry, it is " in a world without dangers."
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