World Clock

Friday, June 08, 2007

The Art of Marriage

post #178

Last Sunday I attended Robert’s wedding reception at Gading Marina. Robert looked very happy that nite, so did Yuli. I was also happy for them. Robert finally found someone he loves and loves him back. My mind went to our univ times. Times when I stayed over at his place, the places we went, the things we did, when he experienced ‘bad’ experience regarding love. Though at first I only considered him as a usual friend but he has proven his sincerity all these years. He actually has a kind and sincere heart. Maybe that’s why he was easily hurt by love…;p

I’ll never forget one time when he was broken hearted. He called me in the middle of the nite (well, 2 AM was already morning actually). Here’s our conversation.
(Cell phone ringing)…I looked at it and saw Robert’s number, so I picked up.
Me : Hello
Robert ( R ) : Bang, tolong bang….
Me (shocked) : Kenapa Bert, ada apa?
R: Tolong bang, gua sakit banget…
Me (more shocked) : Kenapa Bert? Lu dimana ? ( I can hear some indistinct voices )
R : Gua sakit bangett bang… kenapa yah cewe jahat banget ama gua…
Me : …… (speechless..I felt a relief also this urge to laugh out loud)
R : Bang…
Me : Lu dimana Bert?
R : Di Mille… Gua sakit banget bang…
Me (after got myself together and won the urge to laugh) : Tenang Bert…tenang…mungkin lu blon ketemu yang cocok ama elu aja… kasi waktu, suatu hari lu pasti bakal ketemu cewe yang bisa sayang ama elu
R :….. (crackling sound)… Aduh….handphone g jatuh….. (his voice sounded distant)
Me : Bert….
(clicked…) he hung up.

The following day when I met him at campus, he was kinda embarrassed about the ‘incident’. It turned out that I wasn’t the only one he called. He also called other members of zoo class….LOL LOL LOL. For the next few weeks we teased him about the call.

Robert finally found the one he’s been looking for. And he said to me on a lunch when he gave out his wedding invitation, “God is good”. I smiled at him and say, “See, that’s why I said, there’s gotta be a better plan for you. You met the wrong person for a reason, so when you meet the right one, you’ll know it. Now you’ve found her, keep her, love her with all your heart.”

The reception went right on schedule. It even went faster that I’ve expected. It’s kinda like Binus Zoo Class reunion, minus the Dave ‘The Pig’ Padang. Yakin flew back from Singapore and we talked a bit about his study in pursuing Master degree. There were Jef, Novi and her bf, Nelly, Anthony, Wilhan, Ivan, Berku and Arlene, Eddy and Devi, LG and his gf. Even Merry came with Frans. She also flew back from SF. We waited till the photo session and after that I stayed for a few minutes then went home.

Robert’s wedding reception made me think again about the reception. It’s become a common tradition nowadays that people want wedding reception to be glamorous, in a fancy building/function hall, invite lots of people whom the groom and the bride may not even know, etc. The groom and bride must be tired to shake all the guests’ hand and smile at them when more than half of them they don’t recognize. Is it really necessary? Well, if you have lots of money to spend, it’s alright. But is the reception only a celebration, to share the joy with other persons we know (family n friends). It’s not the marriage. The marriage itself is way more than just a wedding reception. All you get from a fancy wedding reception is prestige. But people seem to be more consumed with this and forget that the marriage life after the reception that is more important. Yes marriage is once in a lifetime event (for some people) and people want to make it special, something to remember for their whole life. But I think having (let say) simple reception with family and close friends doesn’t diminish the meaning of the marriage itself. I guess it’s a matter of perception.

Got this small card on my visit to Melbourne and I gave it to Lady. It’s titled The Art of Marriage

The Art of Marriage

A good marriage must be created
In the art of marriage the little things are the big things
It’s never too old to hold hands
It’s remembering to say: “I love you” at least once each day
It’s never going to sleep angry
It’s having a mutual sense of values and common objectives
It’s standing together facing the world
It’s forming a circle of love that gathers the whole family
It’s speaking words of appreciation and demonstrating gratitude in thoughtful ways
It’s having the capacity to forgive and forget
It’s in giving each other an atmosphere in which each can grow
It’s finding room for the things of the spirit
It’s a common search for good and the beautiful
It’s not only marrying the right partner,
It’s being the right partner.

I must say I agree on most of it. I really like the last two lines. It’s not only about marrying the right partner; it’s being the right partner. It encourages us to look into ourselves instead of demanding our partner to be the right one for us.

Can I be the right partner for you?


Unknown said...

hmm.. gue married ga pake pesta. cuman dikantor walikota udah deh.. hihihi


Divine Distinction said...

n gua yakin hal itu tidak mengurangi arti pernikahannya edish toh? :D


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