World Clock

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Come September

post #300

Lily : (walking towards Bart) What’s the big mystery? What are we doing here?
Bart : This is the first building I ever bought.
Lily : Well it’s quite impressive, you had a good eye, even back then.
Bart : Sometimes I like to come here, just to…feel how it felt the first time I saw it.
Lily : Well there’s a comfort in revisiting the things that we loved…when we were young.
Bart : But the truth is, I’m not that young man anymore. I think maybe I’ve outgrown this place and holding to it is keeping me from moving forward with what’s most important to me now. What do you think I should do?
Lily : (sadly) I think you should let it go.
Bart: I agree. Now can you do the same for me?
Lily: (nod with that expression on her face)

*sigh....yeah order to move forward, we had to (learn to) let go...even though we actually wanted to hold on to it....we didn't really want to let it go....because the memories it kept, the feelings it brought, the feelings it made us's not easy...but time was always on the move, it's always spinning...beside...we could cherish those memories...

Not easy as it may sound, but we had to...unless we wanted to live in the shadow of the past....

Reminded me of Peterpan's song...
Lepaskan segalanya...lepaskan segalanya... (Let go everything...let go everything)

Ahhhh....finally I watched Gossip Girl season 2. To my surprise, I missed the season finale. Realized it when I watched the season premiere, there were some unfamiliar scenes...hey I hadn't seen I checked and it turned out that I hadn't really finished watching season 1. Silly me...lolzzz...

After few months overdue, I officially ended GG season 1..but the timing was impeccable since in the last episode, I found interesting lines, which I quoted at the beginning of this post. A delayed episode was watched at the time...when August had passed and September came. Coincidence? *Ermmmm....

Season 2 was still interesting just like season 1. What I like the most from GG and other serials was the scriptwriter wittiness. They're very creative in creating lively dialog, smart lines, and intriguing plots that kept the viewer ask for more and more....two thumbs up for them ;)

GG: They say summer love is fleeting, but sometimes what starts as a fling, can lead to the real thing.
Write a new ending to an old story
There are those who got burn by the heat, they just wanna forget and start over
While there are others who want each moment to last forever
But the end of the summer is the beginning of a new season, se we found ourselves looking to the future..
(I fell in love with you….every aching wound will cauterize and bruise, in memory of what we used to call “in love”…only time will tell if violin will swell…)

The song played at the end of season 2 premiere. Again, it just fit...the song, Dan-Serena situation with their in between condition...they're attracted to each other, but there were issues that kept them from being together....Oh yeah I should mention this also, the person who choose the song was brilliant. It really built the nuance and emphasized the story....*sigh

Only time that had the wisdom to know, to understand, and to the story went....
Because the rest was still....unwritten...who'd know how would the story go?
One thing for sure, it had gone so far....

Who can say where the road goes,
Where the day flows?
Only time...

And who can say if your love grows,
As your heart chose?
Only in time...

Who can say why your heart sighs,
As your love flies?
Only in time...

And who can say why your heart cries,
When your love lies?
Only in time...

Who can say when the roads meet,
That love might be,
In your heart.

And who can say when the day sleeps,
If the night keeps all your heart?
Night keeps all your heart...

Who can say if your love grows,
As your heart chose?
Only in time...

And who can say where the road goes,
Where the day flows?
Only in time...

Who knows?
Only in time...

Who knows?
Only in time...

And it's time to look to the future...
Summer time passed, come September
Summer loving had be a blast
Summer loving happened so fast
Summer days drifting away
Summer dreams ripped at the seams

Summer....learned a lot of lessons during that short period of time. Never thought of all. God, You really had mysterious way in teaching us the lessons of life. Forgiveness, Thoughtfulness, Patience, Calmness. Put aside ego...think...think...think clearly...thoroughly, not always give in to emotions and in the spur of the moment actions. Realized how words, actions that were only driven solely by emotions might not be the best...that they might hurt the ones we cared about, the ones we loved, the ones that we're trying not to hurt....Regret always came too late.

We often (if not always) asked others (esp the ones who were close to us) to try to understand us, our condition...but I think we also need to consider that we ought to do the same, try to understand others....was it appropriate to give in to our emotions?....I believe sometimes, we had to be less emotional....think of the consequences of our words or actions. Took a little time to calm down before making any hasty decision. I think it's not a pretty sight to see the ones we loved and cared about was hurt by our own words or actions, simply because we lost temper. Nobody said it's easy to be emotionless...some might thought....Hey I'm emotional person...this is what I am...whether you accept it or not.... By saying so, would it also say that the person is selfish? It's not merely about a person's character, but that person's ability to interact with other people. I believe the ability to control our actions not to be always driven by emotions reflect the maturity level of a person.

Enough with the heavy thing that really made me happy today was Kenny G - Forever In Love. After more than a year if I wasn't mistaken, I had been trying to look for the song...finally got it this afternoon...yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... that's a thing with Kenny G's song. They tend not to have lyric, due to the fact that they're instrumental, so all I had was the melody, and it proved so difficult to find a song only based on melody....But now I got it.....instrumental music really soothing....relaxing....

Had a lot of homework since September came. TV serials were lining up. Heroes season 3 was premiered on Sept 22, 2008. Prison Break season 4 already reached episode 5. Chuck season 2 would be aired on September 29, 2008.... busy days ahead, captain.....wohoooo.....

GG : Love may fade with the season, but some friendship are year-round….

Friendship is not a big thing, it's a million of simple, little things.
I like the above quote. Friends, true friends would always be there for you, whenever you need a shoulder to lean on, an ear to listen, a laughter to share....
Summertime may passed, but there are some things that stayed...friends are one of those things.

爱像一阵风 吹完它就走
这样的节奏 谁都无可奈何
离不开暴风圈 来不及逃
不知不觉 你已经离开我
不知不觉 我跟了这节奏
后知后觉 又过了一个秋
后知后觉 我该好好生活

NKOTB - Summertime

[Verse 1] Joey McIntyre
Do you remember or should I rewind
To that summer when you caught my eye
I played it cool! the weather was hot!
You had the beauty and the beach on lock

[Verse 2] Donnie Wahlberg
With your flip flops half shirt, short shorts, mini skirt
Walkin' on the beach so pretty
You wasn't lookin' for a man when you saw me in the sand
But you fell for the boy from the city
(I was like)

[Verse 3] Jordan Knight
Hey girl can I get your number
I remember what you told me, too
Don't call after 10 but you know that I did
Cause I couldn't stop thinking bout you~~~~

I think about you in the summertime
And all the good times we had, baby
It's been a few years and I can't deny
The thought of you still makes me crazy
I think about you in the summertime
I'm sittin' here in the sun with you on my mind
(My summertime~~~)

[Verse 4] Joey McIntyre
Do you remember I¡¯ll never forget
Touchin' your body all soakin' wet
The water was cool! the feelin' was hot!
Kissin' on you while the ocean rocked

[Verse 5] Donnie Wahlberg
In your strapless sundress kickin' back, no stress
As long as we was together
Cause we were feelin' young love and we couldn't get enough
Baby I could reminisce forever
(And now I¡¯m like)

[Verse 6] Jordan Knight
Hey girl don't you know I miss it
And I wonder if you miss it, too
Never thought it would end til' it did now I'm here and I can't stop
Thinking bout you


Summer ended winter started
It got colder when we parted ways (I like this part)
As the seasons change (Bring it front, bring it back)
Winter melted spring I felt it
Summertime will never be the same (Without you)
(My summertime~)
My summer time~~~~~~~~~~~


finished at almost midnite



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