World Clock

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

(If) Life Is So Short

post #304

Isn't it funny
How times seems to slip away so fast
One minute you're happy
The other you're sad

Sang the above fragment of song while I was on the boat, accompanying my cousin to spread his mom ashes (my auntie) into the sea. You'd never know what the future hold. The holiday that I had been longing for, ended so fast, I almost didn't realize that it was over and I had to go back to work again.

I didn't complain though. Everything happened for a reason. There's gotta be lessons that could be learned. Been visiting the hospital during the holiday. Only had few times I could really enjoy for myself.

My aunt. She was 55 when she had the stroke. She already had some problems with her kidney and blood pressure. She just recently went back home from Penang for a medication and supposed to be back in two months. But fate thought otherwise. Her stroke put her in critical condition. She was brought to hospital. She gained consciousness and her condition was getting better. But then she went into coma and after almost two weeks, she passed away.

Mom was shocked when she heard the news and often visited her at the hospital. She tried to accompany her in her last days. My aunt died in such young age. She was under heavy stress, plus her condition (kidneys n blood pressure) made the stroke give a knock out punch, not instantly...but still it's a deadly blow *sigh What about me?? Would I reach or surpass that age?

One thing I really admire was the prompt response of her church members. Visiting her while she was in the hospital. Arranging service at the grieving house and the crematorium. They did almost all the work. They did it out of care and love. They really looked after one another. Salute for them, GKJMB n GKJPI. I guess that's the virtue of a not too big denomination. The members were really well taken care of.

Flying airplanes was a common sight near the crematorium. I looked up at the clear blue sky and the (unfortunately far from clean blue) dirty water while the boat was heading to the sea. I realized once small a person was compared to this earth, to mother nature. Reminded me the last time I visited my auntie at the hospital, a day before she passed away. She looked so weak and helpless.

I thought about everything that had been happening. In less than a week after the last visit, I went to the crematorium, picking up her ashes n bones using chopsticks. While I was picking up her bones I couldn't help to think, "These bones were a living person three days ago. But now, they're only bones, the remains of a person who used to live.....they're lifeless."

It's kinda sad...and in a way, reminded me again. It made me think about the most important things in life.
Re-prioritize, if necessary.
Life is short.
Use time wisely
Live a better, healthier lifestyle.

We all given 24 hours a day, no more, no less. It depended on each of us how we use that time in our lives.

Holiday's over..
(quoting Carrie Underwood)...but there were lessons learned....

What about your life?
Have you thought about it?
What are your life's priorities?
Are they need to be changed?
Think about it...coz you would never know...when your time has run out.
We never know....

The Moffatts - If Life Is So Short

Isn't it funny
How times seems to slip away
So fast
One minute you're happy
The other you're sad
But if you give me one more chance
To show my love for you is true
I'll stand by your side
Your whole life trough

If life is short
Why won't you let me love you
Before we run out of time
If love is so strong
Why won't you take the chance
Before our time has come
If life is so short
If life is so short

Love is a word that explains
How I feel for you
And when you're in my arms
All my dreams come true
And when you're not around
You can't hardly see
These tears that I'm crying
Now are for you to be with me

If life is short
Why won't you let me love you
Before we run out of time
If love is so strong
Why won't you take the chance
Before our time has come
If life is so short
If life is so short



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