post #312
Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain,
Telling me just what a fool I’ve been...
That line from Jason Donovan’s song crossed my mind while I was staring outside the office window, trying to see through the heavy rain that fell down this morning around 10 AM. If the rain had a rhythm, then it (looking from the high intensity) must have been screaming at me, not just telling me.
Well…another month had passed. Last week, the last week of October as well had ended with another great ending. Work was a little bit slowing down after that one project was over. *yawning…but still till today I felt like I was lacking of good quality sleep.
[pic of rain]
Maybe because I watched too many TV Serials…Gossip Girl and Heroes were up and running…Chuck, Eli Stone and Prison Break also needed my attention. Not to mention House MD. Hmmm…Heroes was getting more complicated, just like US Comic which had tangled sub-plot, building a mega thread of storyline which entwined all the characters in one universal flow. Still interesting, not to mention there was this new interesting character, Daphne. I liked her blonde hair, a nice addition to the already lovely Kristen “Elle” Bell.
We had our annual promotion dinner on the last day of October. I was trusted to be the host of this event. Not only that, I also joined the band (if it could be called a band :D). We performed acoustic version of songs such as Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You, Sempurna, Especially For You, More Than Words and Laskar Pelangi. The event was held at Dallas Roadhouse Bar n Grill at Arcadia Plaza. The food was great there. The committee came at around 4 PM to make necessary preparation. The guests started to come at around 6 PM. It went right on schedule with some impromptu changes. It was exciting and there were things that I had to learn to prepare myself. After finished singing (I only sang Laskar Pelangi btw), I mingled around and talked to some colleagues I hadn’t met since we’re assigned to different projects. Then I went back to the office to get Elisha, Henny gave us a ride to the office. It was raining all over the way, the traffic was slow so we had some time to chat. And when I was already prepared with mywar rain coat, the rain stopped. It really stopped. So I went home with my rain coat flew sometimes, like Batman…lolzzzz…Sky really knew how to make people dongkol…lolzzzz (dongkol = annoyed in English). But it’s still a fantastic Friday.
Woke up on Saturday morning, accompanied mom to Kota. She wanted to buy a new sewing machine. While she was looking for the machine, I searched for the 8GB Flash Disk. Didn’t find any, instead I bought some DVDs for stockpiling…lolzzz. We ate at Bakmi Toko Tiga afterward then went back home. It’s nice to spend some quality time every once in a while. Took an afternoon nap then went to Gadink. My friends were already there. We ate at Red Bean then when we called Agus, he said he couldn’t join since he was at a friend’s apt. He invited us to join them and go to Lime Light, a new karaoke place near Tanjung Duren. We went there, arrived earlier then them, and tried the VIP room. The interior was nice and cozy. The couch was comfy. There were 3 mics, 2 were wireless. The songs collection was quite good. They already had Peterpan - Walau Habis Terang, Jason Mraz – I’m Yours, Jay Chou – Qing Hua Ci (all were original clips), etc. The only minus thing was the sound system. It was mediocre and we couldn’t adjust the volume, bass, treble and echo by ourselves. Agus and his friends came about half an hour after we checked in. He brought two girls and two guys with him. One of the girl caught my attention since she looked like Cecilia Cheung. I was wow-ed with her poise, her face and her hair (and her smile when we said goodbye at Pisa Café). She was very quiet and only sang one song, Cai Hong. After that we went to Pisa Café…just to eat ice cream…lolzzz…we went back home at around 1.30 AM. Went straight to bed when I reached home.
Attended morning mass at St. James church on Sunday morning. We got a visit from St. Vincent society. Anyway, the pastor was a bule (Indonesian word for Caucasian race) and his sermon was interesting. He brought along some children from the St. Vincent orphanage. One of them, Reza sang very beautifully..but I couldn’t really get the whole lyric. It was something like (not sure…I had this short term memory loss)
Takkan kusesali keberadaan diriku di dunia (I won’t regret my existence in this world)
Karena ku yakin kasih-Mu Tuhan (Because I have faith in Your love, God)
In his sermon, the pastor invited a boy to come on to the altar. He asked the boy’s name. He answered, “Santo” (Santo is Indonesia word for Saint). The pastor said wittily, Wow…you already a saint though you’re not dead. That’s amazing. It succeeded in making us laugh.
Bringing those children again reminded us to be grateful of what we have and be more sensible toward others. Some who didn’t have parents, longing to have one. Some who have parents, take their parents for granted, didn’t appreciate at all. Some even feel that their life might be better without parents. Life’s not fair, huh? Those orphans would probably give anything to have parents. As usual, there’s a 2nd collection to be given to St. Vincent society. The Pastor really made sure we didn't put the money into the wrong bag :D
After the mass, I went to Centro to buy some clothes. Became quite consumptive lately, darn. Went back home, then Agus picked me up. He had a new car and needed to buy seat cover, so I accompanied him. We went to Kebon Sirih and got it done that very afternoon. We were worried a bit when the guy didn’t show up, since Agus already gave him some money for dp. We decided to wait for a while, thank God he showed up with the covers *relief sigh. In less than two hours time, the seats were already covered with nice mocha colored seat covers. Went to Medit to swim. It was great to swim again (plus exhausting). We talked quite much on the pool, maybe that's why I was so hungry afterward. After eating dinner we went to Markas to play some pool. It’s been a long time since I played pool for the last time. I still had the touch (the luck I mean)…lolzzzz. A nice reminiscence of my univ times. No responsibilities, no burdens, just thinking about subjects, exams, where to go what to do in spare times…
Agus drove me home and I went to sleep after a quick browsing. Nice weekend…hmmmmm. Agus also gave me Acay’s wedding invitation. It’s really wedding season. 6 invitations in 2 months. Wow…everybody’s getting married…me, still walking down this road. But it didn’t bother me. This year everything seemed to turn out ok. Thank You, God.
Few weeks ago, I looked up at the sky and saw stars. It’s a rare thing remembering pollution level in this city. They were shining brightly. Reminded also of a message a friend received. It’s also about star. How we could be a star, shining for the people around us. This year…and next
I’m gonna shine brighter,
I’m gonna go farther,
I'm gonna push harder,
I’m gonna reach higher…for the highest star, and make her mine…
So help me, God.
Peterpan - Me and A Star
Look at the spacious sky and all seasons keep changing
Playing with clouds, building dreams with my imaginations
Always dreaming with my days
You’ve seen a star, shining brightly full with hope
Its gentle hands are open, trying to accompany, get close to me
Always light my dark nights
And feel all the stars
Calling our laughter fly up high
Leave all behind, just us and stars
Across the vast sky with season that keep changing
Playing with clouds, building dreams with my imaginations
Always dreaming with my days
#, chorus (2x)
The most beautiful, though forgotten and will always light the world
Wondering, just me and stars
Peterpan - Aku dan Bintang
Lihat ke langit luas, dan semua musim terus berganti
Tetap bermain awan, merangkai mimpi dengan khayalku
Selalu bermimpi dengan hariku
Pernah kau lihat bintang, bersinar putih penuh harapan
Tangan halusnya terbuka, coba temani dekati aku
Selalu terangi gelap malamku
Dan rasakan semua bintang,
memanggil tawamu terbang ke atas
Tinggalkan semua, hanya kita dan bintang
Lintasi langit luas, bersama musim terus berganti
Tetap bermain awan, merangkai mimpi dengan khayalku
Selalu bermimpi dengan hariku
Pernah kau lihat bintang, bersinar putih penuh harapan
Tangan halusnya terbuka, coba temani dekati aku
Selalu terangi gelap malamku
Chorus 2x
Yang terindah meski terlupa…dan kan selalu terangi dunia
Mereka-reka, hanya aku dan bintang
Parampampam, pararampam, parampam parararampam
Parampampam, pararampam, hanya aku dan bintang
Parampampam, pararampam, parampam parararampam
Parampampam, pararampam, hanya aku dan bintang
Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain,
Telling me just what a fool I’ve been...
That line from Jason Donovan’s song crossed my mind while I was staring outside the office window, trying to see through the heavy rain that fell down this morning around 10 AM. If the rain had a rhythm, then it (looking from the high intensity) must have been screaming at me, not just telling me.
Well…another month had passed. Last week, the last week of October as well had ended with another great ending. Work was a little bit slowing down after that one project was over. *yawning…but still till today I felt like I was lacking of good quality sleep.
[pic of rain]
Maybe because I watched too many TV Serials…Gossip Girl and Heroes were up and running…Chuck, Eli Stone and Prison Break also needed my attention. Not to mention House MD. Hmmm…Heroes was getting more complicated, just like US Comic which had tangled sub-plot, building a mega thread of storyline which entwined all the characters in one universal flow. Still interesting, not to mention there was this new interesting character, Daphne. I liked her blonde hair, a nice addition to the already lovely Kristen “Elle” Bell.
We had our annual promotion dinner on the last day of October. I was trusted to be the host of this event. Not only that, I also joined the band (if it could be called a band :D). We performed acoustic version of songs such as Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You, Sempurna, Especially For You, More Than Words and Laskar Pelangi. The event was held at Dallas Roadhouse Bar n Grill at Arcadia Plaza. The food was great there. The committee came at around 4 PM to make necessary preparation. The guests started to come at around 6 PM. It went right on schedule with some impromptu changes. It was exciting and there were things that I had to learn to prepare myself. After finished singing (I only sang Laskar Pelangi btw), I mingled around and talked to some colleagues I hadn’t met since we’re assigned to different projects. Then I went back to the office to get Elisha, Henny gave us a ride to the office. It was raining all over the way, the traffic was slow so we had some time to chat. And when I was already prepared with my
Woke up on Saturday morning, accompanied mom to Kota. She wanted to buy a new sewing machine. While she was looking for the machine, I searched for the 8GB Flash Disk. Didn’t find any, instead I bought some DVDs for stockpiling…lolzzz. We ate at Bakmi Toko Tiga afterward then went back home. It’s nice to spend some quality time every once in a while. Took an afternoon nap then went to Gadink. My friends were already there. We ate at Red Bean then when we called Agus, he said he couldn’t join since he was at a friend’s apt. He invited us to join them and go to Lime Light, a new karaoke place near Tanjung Duren. We went there, arrived earlier then them, and tried the VIP room. The interior was nice and cozy. The couch was comfy. There were 3 mics, 2 were wireless. The songs collection was quite good. They already had Peterpan - Walau Habis Terang, Jason Mraz – I’m Yours, Jay Chou – Qing Hua Ci (all were original clips), etc. The only minus thing was the sound system. It was mediocre and we couldn’t adjust the volume, bass, treble and echo by ourselves. Agus and his friends came about half an hour after we checked in. He brought two girls and two guys with him. One of the girl caught my attention since she looked like Cecilia Cheung. I was wow-ed with her poise, her face and her hair (and her smile when we said goodbye at Pisa Café). She was very quiet and only sang one song, Cai Hong. After that we went to Pisa Café…just to eat ice cream…lolzzz…we went back home at around 1.30 AM. Went straight to bed when I reached home.
Attended morning mass at St. James church on Sunday morning. We got a visit from St. Vincent society. Anyway, the pastor was a bule (Indonesian word for Caucasian race) and his sermon was interesting. He brought along some children from the St. Vincent orphanage. One of them, Reza sang very beautifully..but I couldn’t really get the whole lyric. It was something like (not sure…I had this short term memory loss)
Takkan kusesali keberadaan diriku di dunia (I won’t regret my existence in this world)
Karena ku yakin kasih-Mu Tuhan (Because I have faith in Your love, God)
In his sermon, the pastor invited a boy to come on to the altar. He asked the boy’s name. He answered, “Santo” (Santo is Indonesia word for Saint). The pastor said wittily, Wow…you already a saint though you’re not dead. That’s amazing. It succeeded in making us laugh.
Bringing those children again reminded us to be grateful of what we have and be more sensible toward others. Some who didn’t have parents, longing to have one. Some who have parents, take their parents for granted, didn’t appreciate at all. Some even feel that their life might be better without parents. Life’s not fair, huh? Those orphans would probably give anything to have parents. As usual, there’s a 2nd collection to be given to St. Vincent society. The Pastor really made sure we didn't put the money into the wrong bag :D
After the mass, I went to Centro to buy some clothes. Became quite consumptive lately, darn. Went back home, then Agus picked me up. He had a new car and needed to buy seat cover, so I accompanied him. We went to Kebon Sirih and got it done that very afternoon. We were worried a bit when the guy didn’t show up, since Agus already gave him some money for dp. We decided to wait for a while, thank God he showed up with the covers *relief sigh. In less than two hours time, the seats were already covered with nice mocha colored seat covers. Went to Medit to swim. It was great to swim again (plus exhausting). We talked quite much on the pool, maybe that's why I was so hungry afterward. After eating dinner we went to Markas to play some pool. It’s been a long time since I played pool for the last time. I still had the touch (the luck I mean)…lolzzzz. A nice reminiscence of my univ times. No responsibilities, no burdens, just thinking about subjects, exams, where to go what to do in spare times…
Agus drove me home and I went to sleep after a quick browsing. Nice weekend…hmmmmm. Agus also gave me Acay’s wedding invitation. It’s really wedding season. 6 invitations in 2 months. Wow…everybody’s getting married…me, still walking down this road. But it didn’t bother me. This year everything seemed to turn out ok. Thank You, God.
Few weeks ago, I looked up at the sky and saw stars. It’s a rare thing remembering pollution level in this city. They were shining brightly. Reminded also of a message a friend received. It’s also about star. How we could be a star, shining for the people around us. This year…and next
I’m gonna shine brighter,
I’m gonna go farther,
I'm gonna push harder,
I’m gonna reach higher…for the highest star, and make her mine…
Peterpan - Me and A Star
Look at the spacious sky and all seasons keep changing
Playing with clouds, building dreams with my imaginations
Always dreaming with my days
You’ve seen a star, shining brightly full with hope
Its gentle hands are open, trying to accompany, get close to me
Always light my dark nights
And feel all the stars
Calling our laughter fly up high
Leave all behind, just us and stars
Across the vast sky with season that keep changing
Playing with clouds, building dreams with my imaginations
Always dreaming with my days
#, chorus (2x)
The most beautiful, though forgotten and will always light the world
Wondering, just me and stars
Peterpan - Aku dan Bintang
Lihat ke langit luas, dan semua musim terus berganti
Tetap bermain awan, merangkai mimpi dengan khayalku
Selalu bermimpi dengan hariku
Pernah kau lihat bintang, bersinar putih penuh harapan
Tangan halusnya terbuka, coba temani dekati aku
Selalu terangi gelap malamku
Dan rasakan semua bintang,
memanggil tawamu terbang ke atas
Tinggalkan semua, hanya kita dan bintang
Lintasi langit luas, bersama musim terus berganti
Tetap bermain awan, merangkai mimpi dengan khayalku
Selalu bermimpi dengan hariku
Pernah kau lihat bintang, bersinar putih penuh harapan
Tangan halusnya terbuka, coba temani dekati aku
Selalu terangi gelap malamku
Chorus 2x
Yang terindah meski terlupa…dan kan selalu terangi dunia
Mereka-reka, hanya aku dan bintang
Parampampam, pararampam, parampam parararampam
Parampampam, pararampam, hanya aku dan bintang
Parampampam, pararampam, parampam parararampam
Parampampam, pararampam, hanya aku dan bintang
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