World Clock

Friday, April 23, 2010

Food Poisoning

post #407

Being sick is not wonderful. That’s the lesson I learned these last two days. I think I just got my very first food poisoning yesterday. Well…actually I already felt something strange on Wednesday night. My assumption, it was because of the seafood that I ate at Pond Pangandaran. And then mixed with Chococino at Café du Chocolat. Perhaps these two created unwanted chemical reaction in my stomach which led to my food poisoning.

It was terrible. I drove home with exhausted body. I thought it was just like any other fatigue coz of work. But when I got home it got worse. I tried to sleep, but then the fever came. My body was hot (literally). I felt something on my stomach and digestive system, like gas or whatever which made me miserable the whole night. I could barely sleep and when I finally did, it was because I was already too tired with the pain and fever. Not to mention I threw up several times.

Woke up the next morning feeling a bit better, so I decided to go to work. But I still felt not fit…and after eating breakfast it seemed that it’d be getting worse and that I really needed some rest. A colleague was kind and gave me Norit to ease my food poisoning. I took half day off and went home at lunch time. Went to sleep till evening. I think the Norit kicked in. I woke up in the evening and ate dinner. Didn’t really have the appetite, but I had to eat.

After that I went online for a while…then went to sleep again. And today I think I’m much better…thank God. This experience reminded me…when was the last time I got sick? I couldn’t really remember, but I think it was few years back when I was diagnosed with Typhus symptoms. At times like this, it’d be great to have someone to look after me…but even without that person, I managed to survive. Perhaps this self-sufficient thing is not such a bad thing after all. Perhaps I’ve been keeping things to myself way too long…

I asked my friend who also ate at Pondok Pangandaran. One of them experienced similar symptoms, only much lighter, the other two were fine….hmmm…I stick to my assumption that the food there was the cause of my sickness…Anyway….being sick is not recommended. Seriously!!



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