World Clock

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Diary of A Best Man Vol 2

post #366

My buddy since kindergarten got married yesterday. I, once again became the best man. And once again, it was a longgggg day. Woke up at 7, quickly took a bath, prepared myself, grabbed milk as b’fast then went to Eddy’s house. The car was already there along with the photographer. Then I waited for Eddy there, he came at around 8.20 AM. Then the glove, vest ritual was begun. Then I accompanied him to pick up the bride…

Arrived at the hotel, Eddy was welcomed by the bride’s family, tea pai ceremony and so on. Then we went back to Eddy’s house to have the groom+bride pics taken in the wedding bedroom. Quick tea pai with Eddy’s family, then went to church. Arrived there, the choir was ready. Met David there, I texted him about Eddy’s wedding and he decided to attend the wedding sacrament.

I had to be a last second substitute lector. Well, that’s what a best man should be right? Anything…Tried to live up the role given to me. Took some pics after that, and then continued with the civil registry. After that we went to the bridal, the groom + bride were getting their make up retouched. Arrived there and we ate lunch first…After that at around 4 PM we went to the reception place.

Arrived early, we managed to take some pictures and then at around 5 sth PM the families were coming. There’s another tea pai ceremony for the big family of groom and bride. Ate dinner before the reception, then at 7 PM the ‘show’ began. There were some friends from univ that came. Few from high school, and there were more from Jr High. Well that’s because our parents knew each other and we happened to go to the same school…kindergarten, primary and jr high…hehehehhe

I was planning to sing on Eddy’s wedding..but I had second thought about it. Then his 2nd bro, told me…it’s once in a lifetime…it would be great if Eddy’s best friend from kid sing on his wedding. So I sang finally, though my voice wasn’t still really recovered. It seemed like the audience enjoyed it, or didn’t care about it since they’re to busy eating…lolzz… The food was good…there were quite a lot leftover, but the drink was not enough. Dunno why, the room was crowded though…the guests were a lottttt…

Then…photo taking session. After that…just families (plus the best man and bride’s maid). I was the only outsider (since I wasn’t part of the family member) hehehehe…

Well…congrats to you bro. You finally met someone who succeeded in move you. You decided to take the plunge and commit yourself in a marriage bond. I’m really happy for both of you. When I thought about it…hey…he’s getting married. And it’s not just marked by a ring on his finger, but his priorities and life changed. He had opened another chapter in his life. *sigh I wish you both an everlasting marriage. Most of my friends were already married, some even already been a parent. Some others were in a steady relationship.
Me…still looking for that something… *sigh At least few were still roaming as free agents…lolzzz…

I just listened to One Republic – Stop and Stare…one of the lyric was…

I think I’m moving but I don’t know where…
Hmmmm…I know where I’m going…the vague big picture that I’ve had in mind was getting clearer…

originally written on Aug 3, 2009



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