World Clock

Friday, August 28, 2009

Three Years, I Promise

post #370

I'm coming back in three years, I promise....

That was the line I really remembered from District-9. I was really grateful for the working location....I'd been going to the mall for the last three days...never done this before...usually it's straight to home after work....too late n too tired to even think going to the mall.'s a good movie...a very good one I must say. Some of my friends said it's's bad...the others (bigger portion) said that it's a great movie. So I decided to watch it...wanna know what's the fuss was all about. I had assumed that it's a good movie....and I was right.

Though the setting was not really the most beautiful place on earth, it told the story beautifully. *spoiler alert* There were several scenes that quite explicit...the killing ones. The special effect was good as well. In just three days time, a man's life changed dramatically. An agent who used to hunt down alien, in an unexpected incident found himself in the alien's position...hunted down by other humans. His mindset was shaken...and finally he understood that any life form had basic right.....

I saw different side of alien...they're more human...humanized alien....they felt tired, angry, sad....they loved their families....they wanted to go home.....Despite the ugly (if I may say so) appearance, deep down they're just a life us human. They bleed....they got scared....they died....Not so different with us, right?

Hmmm......after that...bought some shirts and pants....yeahhhh...there was this 70% discount at G2000, so I took the chance to renew my work shirts collection which had been lacking in update for quite some time. It was a good bargain....hahahahaha...gosh...I love this working place...

Back to District-9.....
Kinda reminded me of Saul in the bible. He was hunting down Christian at the time...and by divine intervention, he got blind....his whole world was turned upside down and he became Paul...the most productive disciple in terms of writing letters. He was changed......just like Wikus....I know this was quite a stretch to make such comparison....but let's just ponder on the thought...

Promise....Christopher Johnson, the alien promised Wikus to come back in three years. Did he keep his promise? That was what the audience left with to figure out.
Reminded me...when was the last time I made a promise? Did I keep it? Hmmmm.....



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