post #236
"...I'm so scared that you will see
All the weakness inside of me
I'm so scared of letting go
That the pain I've hid will show..."
John 20 : 19
'..On the evening of that first day of the week, when the doors were locked, where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them, "Peace be with you."'
Didn't mean to preach but when the pastor was reading this pericope, I had this inspiration to write a blog. But I had to wait until today to finally breakaway for a while from this heaps of work. I'm gonna make it as short and straightforward as possible.
The disciples were scared, they just lost Jesus and they forgot about what Jesus said that He would rise from the dead. Ok that's not the point was trying to make here. They're scared, feared the Jews, that's why they gathered in closed room, with the door locked.
What inspiration did I get? When we are scared, we tend to close ourselves from the others. We're reluctant to open up, because of fear.
- Fear of someone
- Fear of something
- Fear of losing
- Fear of failure
- Fear of the future
- Fear of being not worthy
- Fear of being lied to
- Fear of being betrayed
- Fear of being disapointed
- Fear of being hurt..etc
As the pastor said (which I agreed), fear is normal. Being scared is human. I think it's a good thing, shows that we think about our condition, our life, what we need, what we want.
In a way, it can gives us motivation to try to be better, to work our ass off, to push harder.
Example: How will you pay your bills? In order to pay your bills, you have to work, get some money to live. If the living cost is getting higher, you must find another job with a better salary, or get additional job to cover the costs.
But just like a coin, there's also another side. (Too much) Fear can paralyze us. It stops us from doing anything. Even from trying. Being fearful is not good. Fear of being hurt, of betrayal, of being disappointed can prevent us from having a relationship..with anyone. I remember there's a saying (and just refreshed after reading a blog), the closer a person to you, the more damage he/she can done, more hurt he/she can cause. I guess this is because we expect more from that person and when that person does not live our expectation, we're more easily disappointed. Fear of failure prevents us from even trying. Then what else can we do if we don't even try? Give up? What's the use of being too fearful?
*again don't mean to preach...
Matthew 6:27
"Can any of you by worrying add a single moment to your life-span?"
Think it logically; It is useless to worry (too much) and do nothing about it. *Wait maybe you can get one thing...stroke... lolzzz
On the other hand (I think this is the side where fear should motivates us), if it motivates us too much, we become fearless. As a result, we become hasty and reckless. We don't think thoroughly and consider things wisely. There's a (big) difference between being brave and taking risks with plain stupidity.
Again, balanced is important. Balance between too fearful and too fearless. I know it' easier said than done. But we have to make a stand and draw the line sooner or later, right?
Plus One - Last Flight Out
I'm so scared that you will see
All the weakness inside of me
I'm so scared of letting go
That the pain I've hid will show
I know you want to hear me speak
But I'm afraid that if I start to
I'll never stop
I want you to know
You belong in my life
I love the hope
I see in your eyes
For you I would fly
At least I would try
For you I'll take
The last flight out
I'm afraid that
You will leave
As my secrets
Have been revealed
In my dreams
You'll always stay
Every breathing moment from now
I know you want to hear me speak
But I'm afraid that if I start to
I'll never stop
I cannot hold back
The truth no more
I let you wait too long
Although it's hard and scares me so
A life without you scares me more
For you I would fly
At least I would try
For you I'll take the last flight out
"...I'm so scared that you will see
All the weakness inside of me
I'm so scared of letting go
That the pain I've hid will show..."
John 20 : 19
'..On the evening of that first day of the week, when the doors were locked, where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them, "Peace be with you."'
Didn't mean to preach but when the pastor was reading this pericope, I had this inspiration to write a blog. But I had to wait until today to finally breakaway for a while from this heaps of work. I'm gonna make it as short and straightforward as possible.
The disciples were scared, they just lost Jesus and they forgot about what Jesus said that He would rise from the dead. Ok that's not the point was trying to make here. They're scared, feared the Jews, that's why they gathered in closed room, with the door locked.
What inspiration did I get? When we are scared, we tend to close ourselves from the others. We're reluctant to open up, because of fear.
- Fear of someone
- Fear of something
- Fear of losing
- Fear of failure
- Fear of the future
- Fear of being not worthy
- Fear of being lied to
- Fear of being betrayed
- Fear of being disapointed
- Fear of being hurt..etc
As the pastor said (which I agreed), fear is normal. Being scared is human. I think it's a good thing, shows that we think about our condition, our life, what we need, what we want.
In a way, it can gives us motivation to try to be better, to work our ass off, to push harder.
Example: How will you pay your bills? In order to pay your bills, you have to work, get some money to live. If the living cost is getting higher, you must find another job with a better salary, or get additional job to cover the costs.
But just like a coin, there's also another side. (Too much) Fear can paralyze us. It stops us from doing anything. Even from trying. Being fearful is not good. Fear of being hurt, of betrayal, of being disappointed can prevent us from having a relationship..with anyone. I remember there's a saying (and just refreshed after reading a blog), the closer a person to you, the more damage he/she can done, more hurt he/she can cause. I guess this is because we expect more from that person and when that person does not live our expectation, we're more easily disappointed. Fear of failure prevents us from even trying. Then what else can we do if we don't even try? Give up? What's the use of being too fearful?
*again don't mean to preach...
Matthew 6:27
"Can any of you by worrying add a single moment to your life-span?"
Think it logically; It is useless to worry (too much) and do nothing about it. *Wait maybe you can get one thing...stroke... lolzzz
On the other hand (I think this is the side where fear should motivates us), if it motivates us too much, we become fearless. As a result, we become hasty and reckless. We don't think thoroughly and consider things wisely. There's a (big) difference between being brave and taking risks with plain stupidity.
Again, balanced is important. Balance between too fearful and too fearless. I know it' easier said than done. But we have to make a stand and draw the line sooner or later, right?
Plus One - Last Flight Out
I'm so scared that you will see
All the weakness inside of me
I'm so scared of letting go
That the pain I've hid will show
I know you want to hear me speak
But I'm afraid that if I start to
I'll never stop
I want you to know
You belong in my life
I love the hope
I see in your eyes
For you I would fly
At least I would try
For you I'll take
The last flight out
I'm afraid that
You will leave
As my secrets
Have been revealed
In my dreams
You'll always stay
Every breathing moment from now
I know you want to hear me speak
But I'm afraid that if I start to
I'll never stop
I cannot hold back
The truth no more
I let you wait too long
Although it's hard and scares me so
A life without you scares me more
For you I would fly
At least I would try
For you I'll take the last flight out
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