World Clock

Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Last Time of a First Time

post #244

WHOAAAAAAAAA..........This week was a (very) wonderful one. After Go Live, there weren't too many issues, except for the overdue documentations. Yesterday was the last day at project for some of our team members. We finished work early and went to Inul Vizta Plangi to karaoke for two hours. I had to revise my rating for Inul Vizta. The song collection was improved. There were One Republic's Apologize and Stop n Stare, Enrique's Do You Know....Ermmm..these last two songs weren't available yet at Happy Puppy. It's also a kinda farewell for one of my colleague. She's moving to SG next week.

Today was even better. After....... (I forgot how long had it been...lolz), I finally went out on a date (with a girl, beautiful one to be precise). It's sure a fresh change instead of hangin out with my homies on weekend. Beside lately we'd been quite busy with our own things (work n stuffs), so we laid low for a while.

Ermmm...I asked her out with the lamest excuse, and that was to accompany me, helping me in buying some pants. *In my defense, I was still an old school....lolzzz... But it turned out to be the greatest time I had since.......she really had a good taste (and similar with me) in fashion. She helped me browse through SOGO and pick some nice and kick ass pants. Two for work, one was jeans. It's nice to shop, esp when you don't have to spend a dime (I used the voucher my company gave me as a reward for my lat year performance)...:D.

Then we had late lunch at Overrice. Too bad there was very loud performance from this some kinda online game exhibition at MKG3 atrium so we decided to go somewhere else quieter to have a nice chat. So we went to Cinnzeo cafe. Had quite long chat there, but then we moved (again) to Dante due to excessive cigarettes smoke. Continued our conversation there then we went to Happy Puppy.

And that was a wrap of an official(?) first date. A quite successful one if I may say, unless she read this blog and though otherwise. I hope she had a great time as much as I had and that this was just a beginning of many to come :D I need to work on this, I'm a bit rusty in this department...lolzzz

I dedicate this entry especially for the attractive, beautiful and smart girl who's crazy enough to go out with me (*quoting Chandler a bit :p)....

'Darling you make me feel, so beautiful' Darren Hayes' So Beautiful



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