World Clock

Monday, August 31, 2009


post #371

Still a bit drowsy and tired physically…but I was excited. The weekend was great. Slept at around midnite on Friday, woke up at 10-ish AM. Went online…checking my team on the EPL Fantasy Premier League then had an interesting and quite long chat with a friend.

Another friend asked me to watch War Inc with her @MOI. Since I didn’t have any plans for the afternoon, I said ok. Besides, I was interested in the cast list (John Cussack, Sir Ben Kingsley, Marisa Tomei, and Hillary Duff). It turned out to be a sarcastic, bit twisted movie…Since I wasn’t in the mood for sarcasm; I gave it an average rating. Went back home afterward, went to pick up Jef (Andro tagged along) and we went to play futsal.

Venti…with a high determination, I, again reached 20 goals. It was kinda hard to scored the first four goals. But after that, I tuned in. My right toe was injured again…but I shrugged off the pain and kept playing till it was eight. Took a break for a while…then continued playing to add another twelve. Right after I scored the 20th goal…the final whistle was blown and the stadium was roaring with excitement… exaggerating mode: on…lollzzz…It was tiring, but when you do something that you like…something you have passion in…the feeling conquered all tiredness.

Took a shower, then went to McD…we succeeded in persuading Jef to treat us dinner. The streets were still quite crowded, the cars were leaving Gadink. McD was still crowded as well. Luckily we got seats without waiting. When we were eating, an enjoyable one, Agus saw some of his colleagues. One of them was a classmate back in university. She recognized me…well since I was quite popular back then…it came as no surprise….hahahahaha… but I didn’t remember all. Anyway…it turned that they were going to Inul Vizta…they invited Agus and me to join. I decided to join since it was quite some time I hadn’t gone karaoke plus I found that one of my classmate’s friends was quite cute :D Too bad Never Say Never was not in the song repository. Lately I’d been listening to it. Just my type of songs. Anyway we had a great time till 1.30 AM…Agus gave me a ride home and I went to sleep at 2 AM.

Slept only for about four hours coz I wanted to attend the first morning mass at 6.30 AM. Managed to get up on time, felt fine in fact. Attended the morning mass and met David afterward. I told him I wouldn’t be accompanying him since I had to go with my mom. Went back home, took the car from Jef’s house then went to my auntie’s house. As usual the moms were talking for hours…I was feeling drowsy so I just slumbered on the couch. After several hours, we went home.

Went to Gadink was next on the busy schedule. David was already at Dante. We talked for a while before Agus came. Too bad Bowo couldn’t join us. We chatted…talked about a lot of things. Then we headed to the theater to watch Hangover. After that we decided to eat at Yuraku. Met Jef just in front of The Summit marketing office. He was about to watch a movie. We eat..a lottttt at Yuraku. While we’re eating…we saw Irwan n Ervi…and then…Jef again…lolzzz… After our stomachs were full…we walked to La Piazza. It’s around fasting break time and La Piazza was very crowded. The place was swarmed with people. We ended up at Coffee Corner…talked a bit, but our drowsiness got the better of us. So we went home not so long after we finished our drinks.

Back at home, I watched two episodes of How I Met Your Mother and I loved it instantly after 10 minutes of the first episode. The timeline…somehow reminded me of my own situation…a bit :D I wanted to watch the third episode, but I was too I went to bed instead. And that concluded a weary yet wonderful weekend.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Three Years, I Promise

post #370

I'm coming back in three years, I promise....

That was the line I really remembered from District-9. I was really grateful for the working location....I'd been going to the mall for the last three days...never done this before...usually it's straight to home after work....too late n too tired to even think going to the mall.'s a good movie...a very good one I must say. Some of my friends said it's's bad...the others (bigger portion) said that it's a great movie. So I decided to watch it...wanna know what's the fuss was all about. I had assumed that it's a good movie....and I was right.

Though the setting was not really the most beautiful place on earth, it told the story beautifully. *spoiler alert* There were several scenes that quite explicit...the killing ones. The special effect was good as well. In just three days time, a man's life changed dramatically. An agent who used to hunt down alien, in an unexpected incident found himself in the alien's position...hunted down by other humans. His mindset was shaken...and finally he understood that any life form had basic right.....

I saw different side of alien...they're more human...humanized alien....they felt tired, angry, sad....they loved their families....they wanted to go home.....Despite the ugly (if I may say so) appearance, deep down they're just a life us human. They bleed....they got scared....they died....Not so different with us, right?

Hmmm......after that...bought some shirts and pants....yeahhhh...there was this 70% discount at G2000, so I took the chance to renew my work shirts collection which had been lacking in update for quite some time. It was a good bargain....hahahahaha...gosh...I love this working place...

Back to District-9.....
Kinda reminded me of Saul in the bible. He was hunting down Christian at the time...and by divine intervention, he got blind....his whole world was turned upside down and he became Paul...the most productive disciple in terms of writing letters. He was changed......just like Wikus....I know this was quite a stretch to make such comparison....but let's just ponder on the thought...

Promise....Christopher Johnson, the alien promised Wikus to come back in three years. Did he keep his promise? That was what the audience left with to figure out.
Reminded me...when was the last time I made a promise? Did I keep it? Hmmmm.....

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Bump Into

post #369

Whoaaaaaa......lately (and by lately I mean was the last three days) I'd been feeling very energized. Perhaps because it's the amount of physical activities that I tried to do regularly, perhaps because I bumped into some old friends yesterday....but I guessed the main reason was because this current assignment.

The working location was just.....perfect....less than three kilos from Gadink....near home....provided lunch. Yeah I know I had mentioned this earlier, but I was still adjusting to this 'darn great' situation. It made my spirit rise....Yesterday, it took only around 10 minutes to get to Gadink Mall.

I was planning to watch District-9. Ate dinner before the movie at Charmy accompanied by some friends. Winy decided to watched District-9 again, we used her card. Along the way to the theater, there's a familiar voice calling to us. It's Vero....what a coincidence...She said she's gonna watch we decided to watch Hangover instead. Got the tickets....then when we're about to enter the theater, a guy tapped Winy on the shoulder. It was Tommy....HEYY....long time no see. He's just got back from Singapore. He was with his friends. And we all ended up watching Hangover.

The movie itself was hilariously funny. Some explicit scenes and language though, but still...very entertaining. Aahhhhhh......this' gonna be great.....I could go to Gadink everyday...hahahahahhaha....

Love this site.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Another First

post #368

Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....I was soooo excited!!!!
Today marked my first day in the new project. Before I went on with my impression, let's take a quick recap of the previous week.

It was a nice week. Relaxed, no pressure....nice cooling down period after two weeks of reminiscing the times I had last year. Yeah I was assigned for a (really) short term project at ISEB. I was really tempted to buy Javelin or E71 during my time there (due to the lack of inet connection), but I managed to hold on to my sense. Bowling and Karaoke+Dinner were the events when I was there.... Yipppieee....and in that week, I went to karaoke places 4 times in 8 days. They were all different....lolzzzz.....

After relaxing week, I pllayed badminton again on Saturday, after soooo long. I couldn't even remember exactly when was the last time I played badminton. Bowo was kind enough to invite me to join, so I did.

On Sunday, we as usual hung out @Dante....this time Yuli joined us. Had chit chat and Agus said a joke that made David (he was sipping his coffee at the time) spurted the's very hilarious. Then we watched The Proposal. Nice movie, standard plot, so so...but still quite funny and entertaining. Sandra Bullock still looked beautiful there, though she's reaching 45....hmmmm...make up effect? :D

Yesterday I had coaching training. It's an interesting training. Got a lot of insights in terms of self-awareness, emphatic, and communication. Well some I had already known, but there were some other points that fine tuned and enriched the ones I'd understood.

And was the BEST client location I've had so far. It took less than half an hour to get parking....lunch was provided....and *as usual* at first day there was nothing much to do....It also took less than half an hour to get home, though the traffic was quite awful....I love it......YEAHHHHH!!!!!!!

Well, today the PMO talked a bit about the role I'd be given and I was excited....I needed to keep my mind occupied....another first.....another start....a new day....Sometimes I think God's timing is really just perfect....I dunno for sure where this may lead....but I'm sure gonna do my best n let it flows....I'll see (and perhaps understand) in time....His time...

Another first....hope all goes well...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

She's Just Not That In To You

post #367

Had a chat with a friend of mine and came up with a conclusion......women are weird. Imagine this:
There's a guy, let say his name was A. A was attracted to a girl, let say her name was B. A was introduced to B by his friend (C). After the introduction, A started to conversation with B. It seemed like they hit it off (at least from A's point of view).
They often chatted via YM and the conversation flowed naturally. There were some positive responses (or in girl's term, signals) from B. Well, B sometimes took the initiative to call A first (this could be categorized as a positive signal, right?). At some point (a few weeks), A thought it's time to ask B out. So he did.

A took her out on a lunch and it seemed to go well. But after that, lately A felt that B was not as responsive as she had been. She never called him first. Their chat session became a kind of QnA session; A asked, B answered. It seemed to A that B didn't enjoy their chat session as much as she had been before. A knew that B was busy with her job and other things she needed to take care of. Not to mention that the clock was still ticking and there's a deadline that B had to meet. But still....the change of situation made A wonder....what?? why??


From my experience (and some enlightenment from female friends)....given the circumstances, there were two possibilities. First, she's just not that into him anymore. That's why she never initiated conversation. Perhaps after a while getting to know A, she (slowly) lost her feelings (if there's any in the first place). B only replied and answered A out of courtesy, as a polite talk. Second, B was testing A. She wanted to know how far A would go to make an approach to her. She was being coy to see how much A wanted her.

I discussed this with a female friend (to get a perspective from the opposite sex) and she's agreeing with the above hypothesis. In B's mind, she was giving CLEAR signals, while on the other hand.....A was lost in translation. Deciphering Girl's Signal 101 was a subject that we, guys, didn't take back in college....or even if we did take, we all flunked....It's the thing with these signals that girls like to throw at guys. There were just too many exceptions which varied heavily based on the circumstances, plus there were many variables that needed to be taken into the equation to correctly decipher them. Hence, most of the times these signals were misinterpreted.

Girls, let me tell you one thing. Guys usually think logically. We are not trained, not to mention well educated to grasp the signals flying around in the air. We do not have that wi-fi capability to catch the signals, let alone
decode them and tap into the network of a girl's mind. From my understanding, A was wondering between these two possibilities. If it's the first then it'd be better for him to take a step back.....if it's the second, he'd better keep on going to show her that his intentions were for real.

And if it's really the first possibility, there were two options that make things a bit complicated. If he took a step back that's too far....B might be thinking....hhmmm....guys were all the same....dissapear when things didn't go like they wanted them to. If he took a step back that's too little, B might be thinking....hhmmmm....this guy was so stupid. I clearly gave signals that I was interested, that I wasn't into him....why did he still approach me? Did I really need to say it out loud?*

*In my opinion....yes please do say it out loud...we, guys are dumb....we couldn't take a hint that is vaguely given. We are not as highly evolved as girls in this department.

If it's the second possibility, again there were two options that make things a bit interesting. If he keep on going boldly, she might be thinking....geez....this guy's very kinda freaked me out. If he keep on going slowly, she might be thinking....this guys's indecisive....did he want me or not? Come on, be a man, make a clear gesture....

Hence this lead to a question, how much enough is enough?
Unfortunately, the answer to this question is vary. Each girl could have different answer.
My friend also told me that girls are often shy. They didn't say exactly what's on their mind. They wanted the guy to understand them, to know what they want. Well, for simple things (by simple I mean very basic, clear know like traffic light, only Red, Yellow, and Green), we can decipher them....But for intermediate level, we're overwhelmed with the number of variables involved in the equation. For advanced level....we're simply lost.

If I see from the breakdown to those 4 possibilities, there's one common thing they all share. They're all based on signal interpretation. This signal translation is unreliable because like I said earlier, each sender has different standard....the receiver was not competent to correctly they both have their own standard of signal short, they're all based on assumption.

I guess she's not into me....She pulled away a bit because she wanted to see how bad you want her....She pulled away a bit because she wanted to tell you, nicely, that you're not her type....These are some examples of the things we conclude based on the assumption we made about the signals we received (we refer to guys).

If that so....there would have been awfully lottttt of miscommunication happened then (wait, there already were). Actually there's one proven method to resolve this.

Talk. (Girls, please) Don't give signals. Please stop this mind game. Talk, have an open communication. This surely saves a lot of time and energy for both. We don't have to force every GHz of our brain processor to decode the signals that we might received incorrectly or incomplete in the first place...or decode using the wrong decryption key.....Create a dedicated channel for both to communicate.

Ok, in some culture it's expected that guys make the first move. So guys....if you're wondering, unsure, and so to her.....ask her to clarify. And girls, please be forward about it. If you're not into him, ignore him. Be cruel. It's better that way. I always believe that an honest communication is one of the essences of a lasting relationship, whatever relationship it may be.

Diary of A Best Man Vol 2

post #366

My buddy since kindergarten got married yesterday. I, once again became the best man. And once again, it was a longgggg day. Woke up at 7, quickly took a bath, prepared myself, grabbed milk as b’fast then went to Eddy’s house. The car was already there along with the photographer. Then I waited for Eddy there, he came at around 8.20 AM. Then the glove, vest ritual was begun. Then I accompanied him to pick up the bride…

Arrived at the hotel, Eddy was welcomed by the bride’s family, tea pai ceremony and so on. Then we went back to Eddy’s house to have the groom+bride pics taken in the wedding bedroom. Quick tea pai with Eddy’s family, then went to church. Arrived there, the choir was ready. Met David there, I texted him about Eddy’s wedding and he decided to attend the wedding sacrament.

I had to be a last second substitute lector. Well, that’s what a best man should be right? Anything…Tried to live up the role given to me. Took some pics after that, and then continued with the civil registry. After that we went to the bridal, the groom + bride were getting their make up retouched. Arrived there and we ate lunch first…After that at around 4 PM we went to the reception place.

Arrived early, we managed to take some pictures and then at around 5 sth PM the families were coming. There’s another tea pai ceremony for the big family of groom and bride. Ate dinner before the reception, then at 7 PM the ‘show’ began. There were some friends from univ that came. Few from high school, and there were more from Jr High. Well that’s because our parents knew each other and we happened to go to the same school…kindergarten, primary and jr high…hehehehhe

I was planning to sing on Eddy’s wedding..but I had second thought about it. Then his 2nd bro, told me…it’s once in a lifetime…it would be great if Eddy’s best friend from kid sing on his wedding. So I sang finally, though my voice wasn’t still really recovered. It seemed like the audience enjoyed it, or didn’t care about it since they’re to busy eating…lolzz… The food was good…there were quite a lot leftover, but the drink was not enough. Dunno why, the room was crowded though…the guests were a lottttt…

Then…photo taking session. After that…just families (plus the best man and bride’s maid). I was the only outsider (since I wasn’t part of the family member) hehehehe…

Well…congrats to you bro. You finally met someone who succeeded in move you. You decided to take the plunge and commit yourself in a marriage bond. I’m really happy for both of you. When I thought about it…hey…he’s getting married. And it’s not just marked by a ring on his finger, but his priorities and life changed. He had opened another chapter in his life. *sigh I wish you both an everlasting marriage. Most of my friends were already married, some even already been a parent. Some others were in a steady relationship.
Me…still looking for that something… *sigh At least few were still roaming as free agents…lolzzz…

I just listened to One Republic – Stop and Stare…one of the lyric was…

I think I’m moving but I don’t know where…
Hmmmm…I know where I’m going…the vague big picture that I’ve had in mind was getting clearer…

originally written on Aug 3, 2009


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